Company Synopsis
MANSAROVAR ENERGY COLOMBIA LTD: oil multinational company created in 2006 after the fusion of capital of the state companies China SINOPEC and India ONGC-Videsh and the acquisition of ONIMEX. It aims at the extraction of heavy crude.
NEW GRANADA ENERGY COLOMBIA: oil exploration and production company filial of SINOPEC.
Projects in Colombia
MANSAROVAR ENERGY COLOMBIA LTDA: 2006: investment of more thanUS $400 million for the acquisition of Onimex de Colombia, campos Velásquez, Abarco, Girasol, Jazmín, Moriche I, Moriche II, Nare Sur and Under River, in Puerto Boyacá, apart from operating the velàsquez-Galàn oil pipeline for the evacuation of own and third party crude.
2012: campos Abarco II, Under River III y Moriche III, located in Magdalena Medio Colombia, which makes part of the Asociación Nare contract.
2012: exploration block Llanos 69
NEW GRANADA ENERGY COLOMBIA: has 4 production fields in the oriental flats: Dorotea, Leona, Cabiona y Garzas.
