Project City Sanitation Project from the Western area Coastal region
Location Coastal City – Western Region, Uruguay.
Institution/Company Implementation Body: OSE
IDB Financing / Chinese cofinancing Fund. Total amount USD 75 Millon: USD 30 miillon from the Chinese co-financing Fund for LAC.
Starting year / State Approved on 23/07/2014
Project Overview The objective of this operation is to expand coverage for sanitation by networks in the western area of the Coastal City (CC), improve the quality (diminish pipeline loss) and operation efficiency (reduce water profligacy) of the potable water service in the western and central City area, including strengthening the operator with capabilities necesary for operation andmaintenence of the sanitation system. This operation will include: (i) increasing the coverage of sanitation in the western area; (ii) rehabilitating potable water networks in the western and central areas; and (iii) training OSE operators for adequate operation and maintenence of the sanitation system.