by Alicia Gómez | Aug 29, 2018 | News
CGTN America The U.S. has imposed trade tariffs against China, the EU and Japan. It is re-negotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement with Mexico and Canada. In the process, it is changing the global trading system. But, for some countries, this may present an...
by Alicia Gómez | Aug 29, 2018 | News
Bonds and Loans By: John Price, Managing Director, Americas Market Intelligence Latin America may have more to gain than lose in a U.S.-China trade dispute, so long as it does not spiral into a recession-provoking trade war, writes John Price. China and the U.S. are...
by Alicia Gómez | Aug 29, 2018 | News
A Central American country has switched diplomatic allegiances, and upset the United States in the process. News Week By Cristina Maza This week, El Salvador officially abandoned its recognition of Taiwan and established a diplomatic relationship with China instead....
by Alicia Gómez | Aug 2, 2018 | News
China is lending its helping hand to Venezuela to stabilize the country’s oil sector, analysts told Sputnik, adding that Beijing’s economic activities in Latin America are apparently getting on Washington’s nerves. Sputnik China is about to breathe...
by Alicia Gómez | Aug 2, 2018 | News
China and Latin America bet today for an enhanced cooperation in infrastructure projects as part of the potential supposed by the initiative of the Belt and Route. Prensa Latina According to Vicepresident of the Chinese Council for the Promotion of International...
by Alicia Gómez | Aug 2, 2018 | News
Panama and China opened free trade talks on Monday with the aim of crafting an agreement that could turn the Central American country into a hub for Chinese goods across Latin America. Business Insider By Elida Moreno Panama’s Minister for Trade and Industry...